About Us

The Yeshurun Central Synagogue, was founded 100 years ago. The Synagogue’s doors are open to all Jews, who are welcome to join us for our daily Services, events and learning programs. 

Our chief Chazan is the world renown Chazan, Nisim Saal, who joins us on Yamim Noraim and several times throughout the year.

Chazan Asher Hainovitz is the Chazan Emeritus, who continues to daven with us on Yamim Noraim and on special occasions.

Daily Services are held in the main Sanctuary and Beit Midrash, congregants consist of regular members, and visitors from Israel and Abroad. On Shabbatot and Chagim we have Services for Young Marrieds and singles.

We run a Kollel program for Retirees and Torah classes are led by scholarly Rabbis.  This most unique learning program in Hebrew for retirees is attended by approx. 100+ students daily.

We have a daily Daf Yomi shiur in English. On Monday morning there is a lecture program in English attended by approx. 350+ ladies.

Nissim Saal

Chief Chazan

Nissim Saal, the world renown Chazan who comes to us from New York, currently serves as the chief Chazan at the Yeshurun Central Synagogue. Nissim leads the Tefillot on the Yamim Noraim and on other selected Shabbatot throughout the year. With his phenomenal voice, Nissim manages to touch the souls of the congregation and gives them an unforgettable spiritual experience. He flows in prayer with small touches of cantorial and classical pieces, and everything is woven into the prayer in a unique manner that touches the hearts of all the mitpalelim and connects them to Avihem Shebashamayim. There is no doubt that the experience of praying with Nissim Saal is an uplifting and inspiring experience that gives an additional special touch to all prayers.

Asher Hainovitz

Chazan Emeritus

Serves as Chazan Emeritus, and officiates in the sanctuary next to Chief Chazan Nissim Saal. Chazan Hainovitz also serves as a Shliach Tzibbur at Yeshurun Central Synagogue and leads the tefillot on selected Shabbatot throughout the year. His unique style is characterized by the intimacy of a prayer leader, with episodes of classical tunes that are beloved by the worshipers.

Yeshurun Members of the Board

Moti Klein


Meir Hyman

Board Member

Arik Kramer

Board Member

Kaplan Bentzion

Board Member

Board Member

Board Member

Chananya Shachor

Board Member

Shimon Pine

Board Member

Ziva Kramer: The CEO of the Yeshurun Association

Accountable for the administrative aspect and the implementation of the vision and objectives of the Yeshurun Association, supervision and management of the employees of the Yeshurun Association and responsible for the operation of the logistical and administrative system. Managing the association's budget and control over its implementation, initiation, planning, approval and execution of annual and multi-year plans for the activity and growth of the association including. Building a network of contacts with government offices, government agencies, foundations, and more.

Yitzhak Hersh: The Treasurer of the Association

In charge of handling all financial and administrative matters related to the Kollel of retirees and all the Torah and cultural activities in the association. Monitoring the monthly payments of the Kollel participants, payments to suppliers and service providers, transferring salaries and lecturers' wages to employees, transferring charity funds to those in need according to established criteria by the Yeshurun association.

Moshe Sheiner: The Gabbai

Responsible for all assembly work in the Yeshurun Central Synagogue, including the ongoing management of the synagogue and the prayers on Shabbatot, Yamim Tovim and weekdays. Placement of Balei Tefila, Kriah Batorah and Drashot, on Shabbatot and Chagim. Management of seating for Yamim Noraim, placement and management of special events.

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